One of the most common skin imbalances I see is due to “over washing”. Over cleansing the skin can strip it of the natural oils we all have that protect our skin and keeps it in a healthy functioning state. If this over stripping occurs skin can easily be thrown out of balance in one direction or the other, presenting with more oil production and congestion or resulting in the skin becoming overly dry and taut which can feel and look uncomfortable.
Cultivated by many for its showy, many rayed orange and yellow heads; this wispy glowing flower is a true wonder for its many uses in skin care.
Soaks have been along time practice of my self care rituals and are always changing. I like to customize them to mood of the moment adding different components to get me to my soaking goal!

TTOFB is a platform for empowerment, education and inspiration through holistic skin care and wellness rituals. Here you’ll learn about the power of plants, moon energy, rituals for radiance, and amazing skin care techniques that you can easily do at home. It is my true belief that practicing beauty rituals and self-care increases our abundance, prosperity, growth and happiness.